Monday, 22 May 2023

Inkscape 1.2 Extension: Musescore Viewbox

This is an extension for Inkscape 1.2 for correcting SVG-files that were exported by Musescore 3 or 4.

These SVGs are always exported with a page size in pixels (at a strange scale factor) and if exporting a selection from Musescore 3 there is stuff that exceeds the Viewbox. (lines etc.) which is a problem when reimporting into Musescore or into Scribus

The extension has the options to

- change page size from pixels to mm
- remove all elements that are outside the page (most of it). 

When you want to use the SVGs in any other software like LibreOffice, Scribus then it is a good idea to change the page size to mm. Only for reimporting into Musescore it is better not to change the (strange) size.

Musescore 4 only can export whole pages but you can open such an SVG in Inkscape, resize the page sized white rectangle to your desired size, then press ctrl+shift+r to resize the actual page to your selection and then run the Extension. This can replace the missing graphic selection tool in Musescore 4.




On Windows extract the zip file into something like this path:

To find and open the correct folder you can also open Inkscape->Edit->Preferences->System->User Extensions->Open

After installation and restart Inkscape you can run the extension in "Extensions"->Document->Musescore Viewbox. 


Usage as .bat-file to process multiple SVGs:

As it is a python script it also can be used to batch process multiple files via command line. 

Put this line into a text-file, edit the paths (yourname) and save as MusescoreViewbox.bat:

for %%a in (%*) do python.exe "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\MusescoreViewbox\" --px2mm=True --remove_elements=True %%a > %%a_viewbox.svg 

 An example .bat-file is included.

Once created you can drag and drop multiple SVGs onto the MusescoreViewbox.bat-file and the script will generate the corrected SVGs.

Note: If Inkscape is not installed in "C:\Program Files\" you must edit the Python script.


Add .bat-file to Send-to-Menu:

You can add the .bat-file to the Windows Send-to-menu.

Open Windows-Explorer and insert this into the address-bar: shell:sendto

This opens the Send-to-folder. Copy the .bat-file into it.

Now you can select all your SVGs, right click -> Send-to -> MusescoreViewbox.bat




Monday, 1 May 2023

Inkscape 1.2 Extension: Sibelius Viewbox

 This is an extension for Inkscape 1.2 for correcting SVG-files that were exported by Sibelius via the graphic selection tool.

These SVG are always the full page with 4 white rectangles that cover the unwanted area. The page size and viewbox isn't set correctly to show only the selected area.

 The extension will correct this and has the options to

- remove the white cover boxes
- remove all elements that are outside the page (most of it). 


On Windows extract the zip file into something like this path:

To find and open the correct folder you can also open Inkscape->Edit->Preferences->System->User Extensions->Open

After installation and restart Inkscape you can run the extension in "Extensions"->Document->Sibelius Viewbox. 


Usage as .bat-file to process multiple SVGs:

As it is a python script it also can be used to batch process multiple files via command line. 

Put this line into a text-file, edit the paths (yourname) and save as SibeliusViewbox.bat:

for %%a in (%*) do python.exe "C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions\SibeliusViewbox\" --remove_whiteboxes=True --remove_elements=True %%a > %%a_viewbox.svg 

 An example .bat-file is included.

Once created you can drag and drop multiple SVGs onto the SibeliusViewbox.bat-file and the script will generate the corrected SVGs.

Note: If Inkscape is not installed in "C:\Program Files\" you must edit the Python script.


Add .bat-file to Send-to-Menu:

You can add the .bat-file to the Windows Send-to-menu.

Open Windows-Explorer and insert this into the address-bar: shell:sendto

This opens the Send-to-folder. Copy the .bat-file into it.

Now you can select all your SVGs, right click -> Send-to -> SibeliusViewbox.bat



Or from Inkscape Extension Page: sibelius-viewbox

Thursday, 19 May 2022

Blender and Godot Projects

 About 10 years ago I did my first Blender project:

Hochablass Kuhsee in my hometown Augsburg:


Now I revisited Blender and did my 1st little game in it as Tribute to Marble Madness, the game I played endlessly as kid on holidays in Italy:

Marble and Ball:


Gameplay of all 16 Levels:


Rope Physics:

Results of my experiments with gyroscopic precession in Blender:

Gyro and Helicopter (with rope winch) in Drone City with traffic

Helicopter Alouette II Christmas Special:

3rd Person ball Controller Template

SuperGuepard Aircraft




Testflight in Venice (freeware scenery):


SailBoat Physics Game:

Kayak Physics Game:

Rubiks Cube:

Cuboid Rotation Game:

Hochablass Kuhsee (Godot 4):

VolleyBall Field:












Cloud Game






Musikai Games Launcher

(25 projects with bundled UPBGE 0.3 for Windows or Linux)

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Werke für Gitarre

Werke für Gitarre

Hier finden sich meine Transkriptionen, Arrangements, Kompositionen für Gitarre gesammelt in einem PDF.

Die Noten wurden mit Sibelius und Musescore gesetzt und das PDF mit LOSA erstellt.

Das PDF beinhaltet einen PDF-Anhang "" aller Noten als musicxml-Dateien.
Der Anhang kann mit PDF-Readern wie dem Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit-Reader, SumatraPDF oder PDF-XChange Editor geöffnet werden oder man extrahiert ihn mit pdftk mit dem Befehl:
pdftk "Werke für Gitarre(free).pdf" unpack_files

Download: Werke für Gitarre(free).pdf
(ca. 270 Seiten, 12MB)

Anonym - We will meet again
Notation + Tabulatur
Bach, J. S. - BWV 93 Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten
Bach, J. S. - BWV 639 Ich ruf zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ
Solo (Am)
Duo (Am)
Trio (Em)
Bach, J. S. - BWV 784 Invention 13 (Duo)
Bach, J. S. - BWV 855a (Bach-Siloti-Struck) - Prelude
Bach, J. S. - BWV 996 Bourree Swing
Notation und Tabulatur
Bach, J. S. - BWV1007 Suite I Prélude
Dropped D - Tuning
Bach, J. S. - BWV1055 Klavierkonzert Nr.4 Larghetto
Bach, J. S. - BWV1080 Kunst der Fuge Contrapunctus XIV
Quartett (a-moll)
Quartett (h-moll)
Barrios - Valse Triste
Beethoven, L. v. - Freude schöner Götterfunken
Beethoven, L. v. - Für Elise
Campion, Thomas - Shall I come sweet Love to Thee
Dvorak, Antonin - Songs my mother taught me (duo)
Gershwin, George - Summertime
Notation + Tabulatur
Granados, Enrique - Dedicatoria
Granados, Enrique - Valses Poeticos (Valse2)
Händel, G. F. - HWV428 Suite Nr. 3 d-moll
Händel, G. F. - HWV432 Suite Nr.7 Passacaille (Duo a-moll)
Igudesman & Joo - I Will Survive (Medley)
Ives, Simon - The Gilliflower
Lully, Jean-Baptiste - Marche pour la Ceremonie des Turcs
Montoya, Carlos - Peteneras del Café de Chinitas
Narvaez, Luys de - Cancion del Emperador
Pachelbel, Johann - Kanon in D
Notation & Tabulatur
Rameau, Jean-Philippe - Suite in G (Menuett 1+2)
Right, George - Arlekin
Rodriguez, Gerardo Matos - La Cumparsita
Schubert, Franz - Klaviertrio Nr.2, D 929 (op.100), 2.Satz (Solo)
Steibelt, D. G. - Divertimento (Duo Violine-Gitarre)
Struck, Kai - Barbara und der kleine Wachelefant
Struck, Kai - Barbisches Wiegenlied
Struck, Kai - Blaues Wasser
Struck, Kai - Chord-Metamorphosis
Any Key
Struck, Kai - Chromatic Octaves
Struck, Kai - Die kleine Elise
Struck, Kai - Do It Right Little Finger (Etude)
Struck, Kai - Easy To Remember Legato (Slur) Study
Struck, Kai - Endless Journey
Struck, Kai - Fifths' Falls in Six Keys
Struck, Kai - Flowers of Spain
Struck, Kai - Gold (3 Gitarren)
Struck, Kai - Little Fughetta
Struck, Kai - Native Mind
Struck, Kai - Noisettes (Tremolo)
Struck, Kai - Organstärke 9
Struck, Kai - Passacaille
Struck, Kai - Scherzo I
Struck, Kai - Scherzo II
Struck, Kai - Schneeflocken-Song
Struck, Kai - Seven Heavens
Struck, Kai - Sonnen-Baum-Song
Struck, Kai - Spain
Struck, Kai - Stella Mare
Struck, Kai - Step Across The Border
Struck, Kai - String Crossings
Struck, Kai - Stufentanz
Struck, Kai - Teufels-Lieder
Struck, Kai - Träumerei
Struck, Kai - Tremolo-Etüde
Struck, Kai - Türkischer Tee
Struck, Kai - Warmer Wind in lichtem Grün
Suda, Takeshi - Long Farewell
Tarrega, Francisco - Etüde in e-moll
Tarrega, Francisco - Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich - Swanlake (Act II, No.10) Duo
Villoldo, Angel - El Choclo
Vivaldi, Antonio - Der Frühling
Alle Jahre wieder
Alle meine Entchen
Bruder Jakob
Danke für diesen guten Morgen
Der Mai ist gekommen
Die Gedanken sind frei
Ein Männlein steht im Walde
El Vito
Engel auf den Feldern singen
Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
Hänschen Klein
Hänsel und Gretel
Happy Birthday (Easy-Jazz-Chords)
Heile, heile Segen
Hewenu Schalom Alejchem
Home on the Range
House of the Rising Sun
Ihr Kinderlein kommet
I'll Have Never Been The Young
Im Frühtau zu Berge
Jingle Bells
Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Leise rieselt der Schnee
Maria durch ein Dornwald ging
Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann
Duo C-Dur
Melodie C-Dur
Melodie G-Dur
Nehmt Abschied, Brüder
O du fröhliche
O Tannenbaum
C-Dur (Melodie)
G-Dur (Solo)
G-Dur (Duo)
Peteneras (El Cafe de Chinitas)
Sasha (Russian Folksong)
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
Spanische Romanze
Notation + Tabulatur
Stille Nacht
Sur le pont d Avignon
Und als der Rebbe singt
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent
C-Dur Tonleiter
Alphabetische Titel-Liste
und weitere....

Saturday, 7 September 2019

PDF-List (Calc, pdftk)


"PDF-List" is a LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc-Document with a Toolbar with 4 Buttons. You can import all PDFs of a chosen folder (optional with Subfolders) as Hyperlinks. Besides the usual ctrl-click on Hyperlink a custom set App can be used to open a selected PDF.

If the commandline-tool pdftk is installed you have more features:
- The list also shows the Page Count and the MetaData (Infokeys) of the PDFs.
- MetaData can be written back into the PDFs.
- PDFs can be merged.

So with pdftk you can use PDF-List as batch-Editor for PDF-Metadata (Infokeys) of multiple PDFs.

Get pdftk from here:

Download "PDF-List.ods" here:

There are 4 Buttons in the Toobar:
Please edit the first lines of Sub listPDFs to you liking (especially if you want to use pdftk or not.
sub listPDFs
Folderpath="E:\PDF"   'edit your default path here
subdirs=1   'to not list subfolders use subdirs=0
pdftkapp="pdftk"   'if you don't use pdftk then use: pdftkapp=""
You get a Folder-Selector. The list of imported PDFs will contain:

Without pdftk:
PDF-Name (Hyperlinked) - Size

With pdftk also the Page-Count and all available MetaData will be listed:
PDF-Name (Hyperlinked) - Size - Pages - Title - Author - Subject - Keywords - ...

If the Page-Count of a PDF is empty then the PDF was skipped on import because it probably was password-protected.

The PDF of the row you have selected will be opened in the given external App.
Please edit the first line of sub open_pdf_in_app to give the path to your external App.
sub open_pdf_in_app
PDF_App="E:\Installationsprogramme\Sumatra\SumatraPDF.exe"   'edit this path

Next 2 Buttons only work with installed pdftk:
The Metadata of all PDFs of a selection range will be written back into the PDFs. The Original PDF will be moved into a subfolder called "!.OriginalPDFs", so you have a backup. (This subfolder "!.OriginalPDFs" will always be skipped when listing with Button 1)

You also can create new custom MetaData-Fields (in the Header-Row). Only filled cells will be written back into the PDF.
PDFs with missing Page-Count will be skipped because they likely are password-protected.

All PDFs of a selection range will be merged into a new PDF. This will be called "mergedPDFs.pdf" and will be located in the Folder that is shown in cell A1.

Friday, 9 June 2017

SAGRERAS - Gitarrenschule (Las Lecciones De Guitarra)

Die Stücke der Gitarrenschule von Sagreras auf Deutsch in einem kompakten PDF zum doppelseitigen Ausdruck. Für Spiral-Bindung geeignet.

118 Seiten

Gitarrenschule3 (Auswahl)
Gitarrenschule4 (Auswahl)
Gitarrenschule5 (Auswahl)
Gitarrenschule6 (Auswahl)

Die Bücher 1 und 2 sind komplett und von den Büchern 3-6 eine Stückauswahl.

Die Stücke eignen sich zur Verwendung im Gitarren-Unterricht, wenn der Lehrer mit den Anweisungen Sagreras vertraut ist oder erahnen kann 😉

Die Noten sind mit Sibelius gesetzt, und das PDF wurde mit LOSA erstellt.

Download PDF:

Youtube-Videos der Stücke gibt es von Norbert Neunzling eingespielt:

SAGRERAS - Las Lecciones de Guitarra 1
SAGRERAS - Las Lecciones de Guitarra 4

Saturday, 6 February 2016



SVG-Tools is a set of small LibreOffice / OpenOffice .odt files with Macros that can batch process SVG-Files.

The main purpose is to prepare and process SVGs for usage in LibreOffice.
see LOSA : LibreOfficeSongbookArchitect

Some Tools for altering SVG's from Musescore, some are for all kinds of SVGs.


  1. Musescore Staffline ColorSizer for Musescore 2.0.2
    Change colors and widths of Stafflines, ledger lines, Tablature strings, Guitar Diagram strings and frets of SVG's exported by Musescore.

  2. Musescore Staffline ColorSizer for Musescore 2.1
    Change colors and widths of Staff- and Tablature-Lines, ledger lines of SVG's exported by Musescore. (also the page size will be corrected, measured in points instead of pixels)

  3. Musescore SVG Splitter for Musescore 2.0.2 (and 2.0.3)
    Split Musescore's Multipage SVG's into single SVG's. Auto-detection of Number of Pages for DinA4 and Letter. 
    (Though 2.0.3 is supported the SVG files from it have a scaling bug. Your score must be at default Staff scaling and grace notes etc. will be at wrong scale)

  4. SVG BlackColorChanger
    Change the color of all black elements in SVG's.
    (May be useful for "prepress")

  5. SVG Rotate
    Rotate SVG's  90°Left, 180° or 90°Right.
    (If you try to rotate an imported SVG with LO-Writer's builtin rotate-command you get a raster image as result. We don't want that :-)